# File to test reflection boundaries with surfaces graphics opengl dim 2 species red green max_mol 500 difc red 3 difc green 3 color red 1 0 0 color green 0 1 0 display_size red 5 display_size green 5 time_start 0 time_stop 1000 time_step 0.01 boundaries 0 0 100 boundaries 1 0 100 mol 20 red 20 20 mol 20 red 50 20 mol 20 red 80 20 mol 20 red 35 50 mol 20 red 75 65 mol 40 green 65 35 mol 40 green 30 70 max_surface 2 start_surface walls action both all reflect color both 0 0 0 max_panels rect 4 panel rect +0 0 0 100 panel rect -0 100 0 100 panel rect +1 0 0 100 panel rect -1 0 100 100 end_surface start_surface surf action both all transmit color front 1 0.7 0 color back 0.6 0 0.6 thickness 2 max_panels rect 4 panel rect +0 10 10 20 panel rect -0 30 10 20 panel rect +1 10 10 20 panel rect -1 10 30 20 max_panels tri 3 panel tri 40 10 60 10 panel tri 60 10 50 30 panel tri 50 30 40 10 max_panels sph 1 panel sph 80 20 10 20 max_panels cyl 2 panel cyl 20 50 50 50 10 panel cyl 70 50 80 80 10 max_panels hemi 2 panel hemi 20 50 10 1 0 20 panel hemi 70 50 10 10 30 20 max_panels disk 2 panel disk 50 50 10 -1 0 panel disk 80 80 10 -10 -30 end_surface cmd b pause end_file