# File to test molecule sticking, unsticking, and partial transmission graphics opengl dim 2 species red green blue max_mol 500 difc red 3 difc red(front) 0 difc green 3 difc green(back) 1 difc blue 3 color red(all) 1 0 0 color green(all) 0 1 0 color blue(all) 0 0 1 display_size red(all) 5 display_size green(all) 5 display_size blue(all) 5 time_start 0 time_stop 1000 time_step 0.01 boundaries 0 0 100 boundaries 1 0 100 cmd b killmolinsphere red all cmd b pause max_surface 2 start_surface walls action both all reflect color both 0 0 0 max_panels rect 4 panel rect +0 0 0 100 panel rect -0 100 0 100 panel rect +1 0 0 100 panel rect -1 0 100 100 end_surface start_surface stick rate red fsoln front 1 rate red front fsoln 0.1 rate green bsoln back 1 rate green back bsoln 0.1 rate blue fsoln bsoln 1 # net pumping of blue inward rate blue bsoln fsoln 0.1 color front 1 0.7 0 color back 0.6 0 0.6 thickness 1 max_panels sph 1 panel sph 50 50 20 20 end_surface mol 100 red u u mol 50 green 50 50 mol 50 blue 20 20 surface_mol 100 red(front) stick all all end_file