# allreceptor.txt graphics opengl_good graphic_delay 100 dim 3 boundaries 0 0 100 r boundaries 1 0 100 r boundaries 2 0 100 r max_species 100 max_surface 3 max_compartment 3 start_surface boundary action both all reflect color both 1 1 1 polygon both edge max_panels rect 6 panel rect +0 0 0 0 100 100 # This is a panel perpindicular to the x # axis (0) -- in the yz plane with one # corner at (0,0,0), extends for 100 in # the y dir and 100 in the z dir. panel rect -0 100 0 0 100 100 panel rect -1 0 100 0 100 100 panel rect +1 0 0 0 100 100 panel rect -2 0 0 100 100 100 panel rect +2 0 0 0 100 100 end_surface start_surface cell action both all reflect color both 1 1 1 polygon both edge max_panels sph 1 panel sph 50 50 50 -30 20 20 # This should draw as sphere with center # (50, 50, 50), radius 30, the front on # the inside of the sphere, and with 20 # longitudinal samplings, 20 latitudinal # samplings in order to define the # triangulation of the surface. end_surface # Define a compartment, the cytosol of the cell start_compartment interior surface cell point 50 50 50 end_compartment start_compartment exterior compartment equalnot interior end_compartment start_rules ==== Molecules =========== Ligand, mass = 100.0; Receptor(ligand_site, secondary_site {Occluded, Active}), mass = 10000.0; SecondMessenger( receptor-site, target-site {Inactive, Active}, *PhosSite{none, Phosphorylated}), mass = 10000.0; Target( PrimarySite ), mass = 10000; ==== Allosteric-Classes ====== SecondMessenger( target-site { Active <- *}, *PhosSite {Phosphorylated} ); Receptor( ligand_site!1, secondary_site {Active <-*} ).Ligand(!1); ==== Allosteric-Species ======= ==== Explicit-Species ======== SecondMessenger(binding-site!1).Target(PrimarySite!1), name = TargetComplex; ==== Association-Reactions ======== Receptor(ligand_site) + Ligand <-> Receptor(ligand_site!1).Ligand(!1) kon = 100, koff = 10; Receptor(secondary_site) + SecondMessenger( site ) <-> Receptor(secondary_site!1).SecondMessenger( site!1 ), kon = 0.0, koff = 10000, Receptor(secondary_site {Active} ) + SecondMessenger( site ) <-> Receptor(secondary_site!1).SecondMessenger( site!1 ), kon = 100.0, koff = 0.0; SecondMessenger(target-site) + Target( primary-site ) <-> SecondMessenger(target-site).Target( primary-site ), kon = 0.0, koff = 10000.0, SecondMessenger(target-site {Active}) + Target( primary-site ) <-> SecondMessenger(target-site).Target( primary-site ), kon = 300.0, koff = 0.0; === Transformation-Reactions ====== Receptor( secondary_site!1).SecondMessenger( binding-site!1, *PhosSite {None} ) -> Receptor( secondary_site!1).SecondMessenger( binding-site!1, *PhosSite {Phosphorylated} ), k = 100.0; === Species-Classes ====== end_rules max_network_species 11 species A max_mol 1500 difc 999 color A 1 0 0 display_size 1.0 time_start 0 time_stop 10 time_step 0.01 compartment_mol 100 A interior output_files stdout cmd b molcountheader stdout cmd a molcountheader stdout cmd b molcount stdout cmd a molcount stdout cmd b speciesstreamheader stdout cmd b speciesstreamcount stdout cmd a speciesstreamheader stdout cmd a speciesstreamcount stdout cmd b pause