# Smoldyn configuration file to test wildcards in reactions # This file simulates polymerization, one unit at a time # This file uses more complex reaction rules, which is slightly less simple to analyze # but correctly accounts for multiplicity in the monomer reaction rate. define FWDRATE 0.1 define REVRATE 0.1 # Graphical output graphics opengl graphic_iter 1000 # System space and time definitions dim 3 boundaries x 0 10 p boundaries y 0 10 p boundaries y 0 10 p time_start 0 time_stop 4000 # polymers are longer here than in polymer_end1, so equilibration takes longer time_step 0.01 # Molecular species and their properties species A difc A 1 color A red display_size A 2 # Reactions reaction_rule rxn1 A + A <-> AA 2*FWDRATE REVRATE reaction_rule rxn2 *AA + A <-> *AAA FWDRATE REVRATE expand_rules on-the-fly # This could also be represented with the sole rule * + A <-> *A. However, that has # the same reaction rate for all reactions. Here, the monomer association reaction # is twice as fast, working on the assumption that its association can happen in either # of two ways, which makes it consistent with tbe BioNetGen model of the same name. # initial molecules mol 20000 A u u u cmd A diagnostics all output_files polymer_end2out.txt stdout output_format csv cmd N 1000 molcount polymer_end2out.txt cmd N 1000 molcount stdout end_file