# Smoldyn configuration file to test wildcards in reactions # This file simulates second messenger signaling with ligand (L), receptor (R), # and messenger (M). R is membrane-bound and can bind L and/or M. If it binds # both, then M gets phosphorylated to Mp. define krl_on 20 define krl_off 0.005 define krm_on 10 define krm_off 0.1 define k_phos 1 define k_unphos 0.01 # Graphical output graphics opengl_good # System space and time definitions dim 2 boundaries x 0 100 boundaries y 0 100 time_start 0 time_stop 1000 time_step 0.05 # Molecular species and their properties species L R M Mp difc L(all) 3 difc R(up) 0.2 difc M(all) 2 difc Mp(all) 1.5 color L(all) green color R(all) grey color M(all) blue color Mp(all) red display_size all(all) 2 # Reactions reaction_rule rxnlr L(fsoln) + R*(up) <-> LR*(up) krl_on krl_off reaction_rule rxnrm *R(up) + M*(bsoln) <-> *RM*(up) krm_on krm_off reaction_rule rxnphos LRM(up) -> LRMp(up) k_phos reaction_rule rxnunphos *Mp(soln) -> *M(soln) k_unphos expand_rules all # Surface parameters start_surface membrane action all(all) both reflect panel rect +1 0 50 100 end_surface start_surface outsides action all(all) both reflect panel rect +x 0 0 100 panel rect -x 100 0 100 panel rect +y 0 0 100 panel rect -y 0 100 100 end_surface # initial molecules surface_mol 20 R(up) membrane all all mol 20 L 50 80 mol 20 M 50 20 #text_display time Mp M* LR*(all) end_file