# Bimolecular reactions # units are nm, us define DT 0.1 # time step; 0.1 is long step, 0.01 is short step graphics none dim 3 species As Bs Cs Am Bm Cm Af Bf Cf # slow, medium, and fast reactions are run concurrently molecule_lists slow med fast prod # store molecules in separate lists for faster operation mol_list As slow mol_list Bs slow mol_list Cs prod mol_list Am med mol_list Bm med mol_list Cm prod mol_list Af fast mol_list Bf fast mol_list Cf prod difc all 1 # diffusion coefficients time_start -DT # run one step before simulation to remove initially overlapping molecules time_stop 200 time_step DT boundaries 0 0 200 p # system boundaries boundaries 1 0 200 p boundaries 2 0 200 p mol 8010 As u u u # initial molecules; some spares are here due to initial overlaps mol 8010 Bs u u u mol 8100 Am u u u mol 8100 Bm u u u mol 12500 Af u u u mol 12500 Bf u u u reaction slow As + Bs -> Cs 1 # slow, medium, and fast reactions reaction med Am + Bm -> Cm 10 reaction fast Af + Bf -> Cf 100 output_files SmoldynBireact_outDT.txt cmd @ 0 fixmolcount As 8000 # fix molecule counts at simulation start time cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Bs 8000 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Cs 0 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Am 8000 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Bm 8000 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Cm 0 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Af 8000 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Bf 8000 cmd @ 0 fixmolcount Cf 0 cmd i 0 200 0.1 molcount SmoldynBireact_outDT.txt end_file