# Smoldyn configuration file to test wildcards in reactions # This file simulates polymerization, where any two polymers can join end-to-end, # or any polymer can divide at any place. define FWDRATE 10*2 define REVRATE 0.01 # the forward reaction rate is multiplied by 2 because the wildcards only consider a # single possible bond with a reaction, whereas the reaction allows two possible bonds, # which are on the left and right sides of the first reactant. # Graphical output graphics opengl_good # System space and time definitions dim 2 boundaries x 0 100 p boundaries y 0 100 p time_start 0 time_stop 1000 time_step 0.01 # Molecular species and their properties species A difc A 1 color A red display_size A 1 # Reactions reaction_rule rxn * + * <-> ** FWDRATE REVRATE expand_rules on-the-fly # initial molecules mol 200 A u u text_display time A cmd N 1000 molcountheader stdout cmd N 1000 molcount stdout cmd @ 100 diagnostics all end_file