# Crowding test # This file shows a combination of excluded volume and reactive interactions. graphics opengl_good #tiff_name crowdimages/image #tiff_iter 5 #tiff_max 200 dim 2 boundaries x 0 20 r boundaries y 0 20 r time_start 0 time_stop 100 time_step 0.005 species red green difc red(all) 1 difc green(all) 0.5 display_size red(all) 0.5 color red(all) red display_size green(all) 1 color green(all) green reaction rxn1 red + red -> red + red binding_radius rxn1 1 product_placement rxn1 bounce reaction rxn2 red + green -> red + green binding_radius rxn2 1.5 product_placement rxn2 bounce reaction_probability rxn2 0.99 reaction rxn2a red + green -> green + green binding_radius rxn2a 1.5 product_placement rxn2a bounce 2 reaction_probability rxn2a 0.1 # this probability is used if rxn2 didn't happen # note that the reaction rate has not been calibrated for this reaction reaction rxn3 green + green -> green + green binding_radius rxn3 2 product_placement rxn3 bounce #mol 250 red u u mol 5 green u u text_display time red green #output_files crowding3out.txt cmd B gaussiansource red 250 10 5 10 5 #cmd B pause #cmd A molcountspace2d red z 0 20 20 0 20 20 0 crowding3out.txt end_file