# File to test molecule sticking rate # Figures 6A and 6B of adsorb paper # units micons, seconds define XLO -2 define XHI 2 define YLO 0 define YHI 1 define ZLO 0 define ZHI 1 define XSIZE 4 define YSIZE 1 define ZSIZE 1 graphics opengl graphic_iter 10 dim 3 names A B C A2 B2 C2 max_mol 122000 difc all(solution) 5 # in 10 s, with D=5, diff. dist. is 10 microns color A(all) 1 0 0 color A2(all) 1 0 0 color B(all) 0 1 0 color B2(all) 0 1 0 color C(all) 0 0 1 color C2(all) 0 0 1 display_size all 2 time_start 0 time_stop 0.1 time_step 0.001 # with D=5 and Ęt=0.001, rms step length is 0.1 micron boundaries 0 XLO XHI boundaries 1 YLO YHI boundaries 2 ZLO ZHI max_surface 2 start_surface name walls action both all reflect color both 0 0 0 polygon both edge max_panels rect 6 panel rect +0 XLO YLO ZLO YSIZE ZSIZE panel rect -0 XHI YLO ZLO YSIZE ZSIZE panel rect +1 XLO YLO ZLO XSIZE ZSIZE panel rect -1 XLO YHI ZLO XSIZE ZSIZE panel rect +2 XLO YLO ZLO XSIZE YSIZE panel rect -2 XLO YLO ZHI XSIZE YSIZE end_surface start_surface name stick rate_internal A fsoln front 1 rate B fsoln front 85.8559 rate B front fsoln 276 rate_internal C fsoln bsoln 1 rate_internal C bsoln fsoln 1 #rate_internal A2 fsoln front 0.1 rate_internal A2 fsoln front 0.105993 #rate B2 fsoln front 4.22852 rate_internal B2 fsoln front 0.105993 #rate B2 front fsoln 28 rate_internal B2 front fsoln 0.027612 #rate_internal C2 fsoln bsoln 0.1 #rate_internal C2 bsoln fsoln 0.1 rate_internal C2 fsoln bsoln 0.10938 rate_internal C2 bsoln fsoln 0.10938 color both 0.5 0.5 0.5 max_panels rect 1 panel rect +0 0 YLO ZLO YSIZE ZSIZE end_surface mol 20000 A 0-XHI u u mol 20000 B 0-XHI u u mol 20000 C 0-XHI u u mol 20000 A2 0-XHI u u mol 20000 B2 0-XHI u u mol 20000 C2 0-XHI u u # 20000 molecules in 2x1x1 micron^3 is 10000 per cubic micron output_files FILEROOT1out.txt FILEROOT2out.txt FILEROOT3out.txt cmd B molcountheader FILEROOT1out.txt cmd B molcountheader FILEROOT2out.txt cmd E molcountonsurf stick FILEROOT1out.txt cmd E molcountinbox XLO 0 YLO YHI ZLO ZHI FILEROOT2out.txt cmd i 0 0.1 0.0099 molcountspace A(fsoln) 0 0 1 20 YLO YHI ZLO ZHI 0 FILEROOT3out.txt cmd @ 0.0009 molcountspace A(fsoln) 0 0 1 20 YLO YHI ZLO ZHI 0 FILEROOT3out.txt end_file