/* Michaelis-Menten simulation */ dt = 1.0e-3 iterations = 10000 boxsize = 4.4964 partitions = 11 TIME_STEP = dt ITERATIONS = iterations INTERACTION_RADIUS = 0.003 NOTIFICATIONS { ALL_NOTIFICATIONS = ON } WARNINGS { ALL_WARNINGS = ERROR } PARTITION_X = [[0 TO boxsize STEP boxsize/partitions]] PARTITION_Y = [[0 TO boxsize STEP boxsize/partitions]] PARTITION_Z = [[0 TO boxsize STEP boxsize/partitions]] DEFINE_MOLECULES { E {DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_3D = 1e-7} S {DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_3D = 1e-7} ES {DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_3D = 1e-7} P {DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_3D = 1e-7} } DEFINE_REACTIONS { E + S -> ES [5.88e6]:rxn_fwd ES -> E + S [1]:rxn_back ES -> E + P [1]:rxn_prod } INSTANTIATE world OBJECT { system BOX { CORNERS = [0,0,0],[boxsize,boxsize,boxsize] DEFINE_SURFACE_REGIONS { all { ELEMENT_LIST = [ALL_ELEMENTS] } } } E_release_site RELEASE_SITE { SHAPE = world.system[all] MOLECULE = E NUMBER_TO_RELEASE = 909 } S_release_site RELEASE_SITE { SHAPE = world.system[all] MOLECULE = S NUMBER_TO_RELEASE = 9091 } } REACTION_DATA_OUTPUT { STEP = dt * 10 {COUNT[E,WORLD]}=>"./reaction_data/E.dat" {COUNT[S,WORLD]}=>"./reaction_data/S.dat" {COUNT[ES,WORLD]}=>"./reaction_data/ES.dat" {COUNT[P,WORLD]}=>"./reaction_data/P.dat" }